Are We Back to Normal? A Bike Sharing Systems Mobility Analysis in the Post-COVID-19 Era

Autor (es): A. Cortez-Ordoñez

A. Tulcanaza-Prieto


Journal: Sustainability 

Fecha de publicación: Julio 2024


In recent years, numerous cities around the world have adopted bike sharing systems (BSSs). The increasing popularity of these transportation means is directly related to their eco-friendly and health advantages. Several factors affect how citizens make use of BSS, for instance, the size and configuration of a city, where docking stations are located, the associated prices, and others. Moreover, these systems have different usage patterns that vary according to the month, day, or hour but remain constant when compared yearly. However, the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic modified mobility behaviors as various governments around the world implemented mobility restrictions to avoid the spread of the virus. The objective of this investigation is to determine if the usage patterns of BSSs have changed permanently or if we have recovered pre-pandemic levels and usage patterns. Given the special characteristics of each BSS, this study focuses on Barcelona’s BSS, called Bicing. To understand the impact of other BSSs, the further analysis of each system’s unique characteristics is necessary. The study employs bike usage information from the public open data service maintained by Barcelona City Hall, namely, the Open Data BCN website, from January 2019 to December 2023, and it covers mechanical and electrical bikes with more than 4 million records per month. The results show that usage patterns were similar before and after the pandemic; the usage increased in 2021 and 2022 and stabilized in 2023, registering a rise of 17.5% in Bicing usage from 2021 to 2023. However, bike type preferences have changed for reasons unrelated to the pandemic restrictions. The main limitation of this investigation is the lack of continuity in the data due to a change in the company that provides the service in Barcelona. For future research, data from other transportation means can be used to analyze all communication behavior in this city. Additionally, if data are available, a study by gender and age can be performed and used to improve the system for certain groups.

Keywords: Bicycle sharing systems (BSSs); Bicing; COVID-19 mobility restrictions; inclusive transport system; BSS usage patterns

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